FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden är ett crowdfunding bolag inom equity crowdfunding. Inom den noterade koncernen ingår dotterbolaget Laika Consulting som primärt arbetar med Investor Relations, samt återfinns ägande i Feminvest, ett nätverk för kvinnliga investerare.


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The company helps businesses to raise capital and pr. Other Financial Services. Stockholm, Sweden. 27 As of 2021 00000000. 00000000. ulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mo.


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The company group includes the subsidiary Laika Consulting, which primarily works with Investor Relations, as well as ownership in Feminvest, a network for women investors. At … FundedByMe success story – Virtuous Vodka – launches in Systembolaget Press releases • May 02, 2013 10:49 CEST. Today marks the launch of sales of Virtuous Vodka – FundedByMe’s first De senaste tweetarna från @fundedbyme Shares in FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden AB (publ) are currently trading at SEK2.39 and the price has moved by -18.36% over the past 365 days. In terms of relative price strength - which takes into account the overall market trend - the FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden AB (publ) price has moved by -13.47% over the past year.

The valuation of companies shown on FundedByMe are pre-money, which means it's valued at its pre-investment round worth. Written by Joachim Dworén Updated over a week ago What should I think about when setting my company valuation?

FundedByMe erbjuder en plattform för finansieringsstöd genom så kallad equity crowdfunding för diverse startups och tillväxtbolag runt om i världen. FundedByMe är EU:s största crowdfunding-portal och har hittills samlat in pengar till fler än 650 bolag och över 1000 projekt. FundedByMe tillhandahåller en plattform för kapitalanskaffning och är idag ledande i segmentet equity crowdfunding inom EU. FundedByMe grundades 2011 och har hjälpt fler än 650 bolag att skaffa över 700 miljoner SEK. Köp aktien FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden B (FBM B). Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage.

Köp aktien FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden B (FBM B). Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage. Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid.


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556871-1823. Med ”Laika” eller ”Laika Consulting” avses Laika Consulting AB, 556612-0969. Med ”Aktien” avses aktier (A-aktier och B-aktier) i Bolaget. ”Euroclear” avser Euroclear Sweden AB, org nr 556112–8074. FundedByMe is Europe´s fastest-growing crowdfunding platform connecting investors and entrepreneurs. Visit for more.
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2020-12-14 09:00 · Cision. Den nya styrelsen och ledningen för FundedByMe bjuder in till livesänd pressträff med anledning av bolagets nya strategi.

FundedByMe is one of the only full-service crowdfunding platforms offering capital FundedByMe Established in 2010 we have helped connect investors with entrepreneurs and helped fund more than 500 companies with roughly SEK 500,000,000. FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden AB is a listed technology company in fintech with a focus on the financial market. The company operates a self-developed crowdfunding platform, currently the premier platform within the EU. FundedByMe We believe that crowdfunding is the future.
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Fundedbyme verkar med andra ord tycka att det är glasklart att bolaget håller sig inom ramarna för lagen, trots att FI:s utredning innehåller följande mening. “Finansinspektionen gör bedömningen att den annonsering som sker på plattformarnas hemsidor med erbjudanden att investera i privata aktiebolag får anses som annonsering och därmed strider mot spridningsförbudet.“

Track . Crunchbase Venture Program Members . FundedByMe.

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Mar 18, 2014 Equity crowdfunding platform FundedByMe has launched a fund-raising campaign of its own today. It's hoping to raise 3 million SEK (approx 

Straws that don't suck. Our straws are made from 100% natural, bio-degradable reeds, grown right here in Sweden Equity Consumer Discretionary FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden is a crowdfunding company within equity crowdfunding. The company group includes the subsidiary Laika Consulting, which primarily works with Investor Relations, as well as ownership in Feminvest, a network for women investors. At … FundedByMe success story – Virtuous Vodka – launches in Systembolaget Press releases • May 02, 2013 10:49 CEST.

FundedByMe is the fastest-growing crowd investment platform that offers two types of opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs to meet: Equity Crowdfunding Fund your company by selling shares

We charge a platform fee of 8% (exc. VAT) on the amount you successfully raise. All fees are payable to FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden AB. Fundedbyme har enligt egen utsago förmedlat kapital till över 470 företag från 25 olika länder under de senaste åren, med en total insamlingsvolym på 550 miljoner kronor.

Email is used to help build an active community interested in new opportunities by socializing the experience with the activity of colleagues and friends. Daniel Daboczy, CEO and co-founder at FundedByMe, said that Laika is particularly well positioned in the financial communcations space.